Today’s SAT question of the day is an improving sentences question about British sovereigns…and whether “neither” is plural or singular.

Remember that or, nor, and neither are singular. If you have one or the other, you only have one thing at a time! This may not sound correct to your ear since it’s a common spoken error, but you can check your verbs systematically to make sure they’re in the right number (and tense).

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SAT Question of the Day Explained – March 11, 2014 – Math

Today’s SAT question of the day is an algebra question about rates. Get your units-per-unit brain fired up.

The question:

The c cars in a car service use a total of g gallons of gasoline per week. If each of the cars uses the same amount of gasoline, then, at this rate, which of the following represents the number of gallons used by 5 of the cars in 2 weeks?

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