Tag Archives: definition

SAT Question of the Day Explained – December 4, 2014 – Sentence Completions

Today’s SAT Question of the Day is a two-blank sentence completion question about William the Conqueror.

The success of the Norman Invasion depended on ——- logistical operation: in planning it, William the Conqueror wisely left no detail ——-.

What is this sentence about? Planning. It was a detailed operation that left no detail unplanned.  Sound silly? Perhaps when you write it out like this, but that is all you need to know in order to get the correct answer – and I even borrowed the words “detail” and  “planning” right from the provided sentence! Continue reading

SAT Question of the Day Explained – December 1, 2014 – Sentence Completion

Today’s SAT question of the day is a one-blank sentence completion that gives us the answer right in the sentence (a definition sentence completion).

Her vague sense of ——- grew into anxiety and then alarm when she discovered that her initial doubts about the success of the undertaking were well founded.

She had a sense of something bad, right?  Something like anxiety? So we need an answer choice that means something bad, like anxiety.

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SAT Question of the Day Explained – October 5, 2014 – Sentence Completions

Today’s SAT Question of the Day is a two-blank sentence completion:

So that she would not be considered ——- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ——- her plans before she started to implement them.

Do any words come to mind for those blanks?  If not, think about what an advisory committee might do… Continue reading

SAT Question of the Day Explained – October 2, 2014 – Sentence Completions

noseToday’s SAT Question of the Day is a sentence completion about our sense of smell.  Evidently, “our sense of smell is surprisingly ——- , capable of distinguishing thousands of […] odors.”

Our sense of smell, then, is…good? Nuanced? Very capable?  Any of these predictions should lead you to the correct answer.

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SAT Question of the Day Explained – September 2, 2014 – Sentence Completion

Today’s sentence completion:

“It was difficult to believe that the sophisticated piece of technology had ——- through the centuries from such ——- and rudimentary apparatus.”

For the first blank, let’s think about what the technology might have done through the centuries. Continue reading