ACT Question of the Day Explained – March 12, 2014 – Reading, Social Sciences

Today’s ACT question of the day again comes from the passage about the medieval justice system.  We are asked what determines truth in the forms of trial listed in the passage.

Paragraphs 2, 3, and 4 each discuss a different form of trial, but all cite similar processes for determining truth.  Lines 83-84, for example, indicate that oaths “called upon God to witness to the truth of the respective claims of the parties.” Likewise, lines 66-68 say that “God
would presumably strengthen the arms of the party who had sworn truly to the justice of his cause.”  This tells us that D, “relying on the assistance of God,” is the correct answer.

As for the other answer choices, A and B are in direct opposition to what is discussed in the passage (“carefully questioning witnesses” and “carefully assessing physical evidence”). Choice C, an adversary proceeding, or battle, contains information that is mentioned in the passage but is unrelated to determining truth.