SAT Question of the Day Explained – April 21, 2014 – Identifying Sentence Errors

Today’s identifying sentence errors question has a verb problem.  Verb issues (tense, number) are one of the most commonly tested topics in the SAT writing section.

The question:

Aside from Shakespeare, perhaps no writer in English have engaged the public’s imagination more thoroughly than Charles Dickens.

What is the subject of this sentence?

A tricky question, maybe, if you’ve never been asked to diagram a sentence, but no matter what answer you give (Shakespeare, writer, Dickens), they all have one thing in common: they are singular.

This is why C is the correct answer and the scene of this verb crime.  No writer in English has engaged.  Grammatically, there is only one writer in this clause (though the sentence says there is no writer – get it?  They hid a little grammar joke in here, as they frequently do!), so the verb needs to be singular – “has”, not “have”.