SAT Question of the Day Explained – January 21, 2014 – Identifying Sentence Errors

Grand old flagsToday’s SAT question of the day about flags comes from the writing section.  For this Identifying Sentence Errors question, we have to find the error (if any) that exists in the sentence.

It won’t take you long to hear what sounds wrong.

All of the verbs look fine (but remember to check them for each and every question), but there’s a definite problem in the first part of the sentence. “Also” can’t begin a clause in the way that it’s being used here; the SAT classifies this as an idiomatic issue, suggesting that we should just know that “also” can’t be used this way in English, but there are other grammatical reasons having to do with also’s special functions as an adverb and something similar to a conjunction.

What would sound better than “also”?  “In addition to” is a good go-to.  Can you think of any other options?