ACT Question of the Day – October 4, 2014 – English, Verbs

Study hard, kids.I don’t often get to explain ACT questions anymore because they recycle so frequently!  Be sure to check the archives (using the links at the top or right) to find ACT tips and strategies.

Today’s question is about the underlined part of sentence 4:

[1] Then a vice president of Westinghouse,
looking for a way to make the transmission of radio
signals more profitable, decided on a two-fold
strategy. […] [4] The plan succeeded
beyond anyone’s expectations.

Is there anything wrong with this sentence?  Let’s take a look.

Sentence 1 is in past tense and our sentence seems to be happening in the same time frame, so we want our verb to be in past tense as well – which it is.  He made a plan, not “a planning” or a “success plan” as some of the answer choices suggest. This sentence is just fine, so F is our correct answer choice.

(And a voice whispered…always check your verrrrbs….)