ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 3, 2014 – Math, Division

Today’s ACT math question of the day is about dividing with remainders.  The remainder, you may or may not recall, is the part “left over” when we divide one integer by another.  For instance, if I divide 4 by 3, I get 1 with 1 left over, so my answer is 1 remainder 1 or 1R1.

One more practice round before we go on to the problem: 14/6 = ? Continue reading

SAT Question of the Day Explained – February 2, 2014 – Improving Sentences


Elgin Botanic Garden

Today’s SAT question of the day is an improving sentences question about one of our favorite topics: verbs!

The given sentence says, roughly: The first public botanical garden in the United States was established to provide plant materials for studying by medical students.

Let’s think for a moment: the garden was provided for…. Continue reading

ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 1, 2014 – Science

Today’s ACT question of the day is a repeat of the science question we discussed on January 20.

Since there’s nothing new today, here are some general tips for the ACT science section:

  • Remember the scientific method
  • Read the charts carefully and know which ones correspond to which experiments
  • Keep an eye on the time since you have only 5 minutes per passage

My February 8 test takers: you are officially less than a week away!  Time to review all ACT tips to make sure you’ve got your strategies down and start assembling the items from your test day checklist, either.  Make sure next Thursday and Friday nights are blocked out for sleeping!