Tag Archives: studying

Three Fun and Helpful YouTube Resources…and a few to avoid

I have fallen far down the YouTube rabbit hole this summer – so far that I will soon be posting test and college application tips on there myself!  In the meantime, here are some (totally unsponsored) channels and videos that I’m loving – and a few that I don’t love (and why).

    1. Studyign (not a typo)
      Whoever this girl is, she has great, practical tips for organizing your notes, making the most of your office supplies, and using your time as a student well.  You don’t have to do everything she did in high school (she is starting college in 2017), but she might help you get a little more efficient or have a little more fun.  There’s a lot of “studyspo” on YouTube, but these tips are useful (and not overly girl – boys study, too!).
    2. This video about common college application errors
      Panelists including the Deans of Admissions from Princeton University, the University of Pennsylvania, Williams College, Wesleyan University, Bryn Mawr College, Grinnell College, Marquette University and the University of Vermont discuss what it takes to get admitted to selective colleges, how the admissions process works from the inside, and what families need to know to improve their chances of getting in.  Straight from the decision makers – these are great tips and mistakes I’ve caught personally on even my best students’ applications.  (The whole playlist from that event covers other great tips, too, like how many people will read your application and how long they will spend with it.)
    3. This guy talking about math…
      …knows what he is talking about, is clear and to the point, and covers a lot of basics, so if you’re struggling because you never really “got” percentages or parabolas, you might find this a quick – and reliable – source for a late night explanation (after all, there are lots of math resources online).

And what to avoid…

(I’m deliberately not linking to any of these channels, but if you’re looking at study content on YouTube you will likely run across them yourself.)

  1. SupertutorTV
    I’m not jealous – there’s enough room for lots of super tutors out there – but this channel has published a multitude of videos about college admissions and test prep that include factual errors about the tests and admissions processes.  Please don’t waste your time!  The best source of info about college admissions is always the admissions office of the school to which you’re applying.
  2. The CollegeBoard and ACT official channels
    Yawn!  These channels don’t have any useful tips for students – they’re (currently) just marketing for the tests…but why, because you have to take at least one of them anyway!
  3. Anyone’s “How I Got Into [school]” video…to an extent
    There are lots of these, especially for competitive schools.  If you must watch them, take them with a grain of salt.  Just because they play the bassoon and rescue three-legged kittens while maintaining a 4.0 GPA doesn’t mean that it’s a certain formula for admissions.

Are there any academic resources you love on YouTube? Leave a comment and share your faves!