ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 7, 2014 – Math, Geometry, Area

Today’s ACT question is about the area of a trapezoid – they were nice enough to give us that formula right in the problem, so it’s a piece of cake!  Careful substitution cake with algebra frosting.

The formula they give us is:

a = (1/2)*h*(b1 + b2)       (h is the altitude, b1 and b2 are the parallel bases)

Then they tell us that h = 5, a = 55, and one base = 13.  We are asked to find the other base.  Time to plug in some numbers!

55 = (1/2) * 5 * (13 + x)

22 = 13 + x

9 = x


.5 * 5 * (13 + 9) = 55

F, 9, is the answer.

If you substitute carefully and avoid arithmetic errors, problems like this one will breeze by!