ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 14, 2014 – English

Today’s ACT question of the day is another English question from the passage about radio. The writer has decided to add a sentence to the passage, and we have to choose where it will fit best.

The sentence:

Nowadays, no matter where you are, it’s hard to be far from a radio.

This sounds like the kind of sentence that either opens or concludes a passage as a whole – it’s broad, it ties the subject back to the present, and it serves somewhat to summarize the passage.

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SAT Question of the Day – February 13, 2014 – Sentence Completion

Today’s SAT question of the day is a sentence completion about architect Frank Lloyd Wright. The sentence says that he is a ____ because his designs have both beauty and function.

We will need to find a word that includes this idea of beauty.  The answer choices aren’t as easy as they could be, but they do include two of our top 100 vocab words! Continue reading

ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 12, 2014 – Reading, Social Science

This cat will show you how it's done here on the reading section. Today’s ACT reading question comes from the social science passage about the medieval justice system (other questions about this passage have appeared on February 4, January 19, and January 15 so far).   Let’s see how trial by battle differs from trial by compurgation and ordeal in England. Continue reading

ACT Question of the Day Explained – February 10, 2014 – English, Conjunctions

Today’s ACT question of the day is an English question from a passage about radio broadcasting in the 1920’s. (The photo is from the ’30s, so don’t be fooled. Also, did you know we wouldn’t have radio if it wasn’t for…bananas? True story.)

We need to know if we are transitioning correctly from idea to idea.  Our current transition word is “therefore”, but do we have the right relationship between ideas to support the use of that word?

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SAT Question of the Day Explained – February 10, 2014 – Sentence Completion

salesToday’s SAT question of the day is a sentence completion that requires precise reading (yes, moreso than usual).  There seems to be a certain store manager who felt…something…when sales dropped, so she did…something…to a department for its lack of effort. Continue reading