Tag Archives: English

ACT Question of the Day Explained – January 29, 2014 – English, Wordiness

Bessie Coleman

Today’s ACT question of the day is an English question from the passage we saw just over a week ago about Bessie Coleman.  Today we are looking at underlined portion 5 to see how best to revise it.

Portion 5 comes between a sentence about when she was born and where she would end up and a sentence about life in Oklahoma.  The underlined sentence gives us information about how long ago 1893 was, and there’s nothing grammatically wrong with the sentence as it’s written.  Continue reading

ACT Question of the Day Explained – January 21, 2014 – English

Bessie Coleman

Today’s ACT question of the day is an English question from a passage about Bessie Coleman. We have to determine which of the given options would best fix the underlined portion of the sentence.

In context, the underlined part of the sentence is related to a journey; it also contains a reference to the American Southwest.  So, we know we are dealing with a place.  What word do we use when referring to a place?

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ACT Question of the Day Explained – January 17, 2014 – English, Conjunctions

Fresh outta the junctionToday’s ACT question of the day is an English question that, at its heart, is all about coordinating and subordinating conjunctions!  (Whoa.)  It’s not a real brain buster, don’t worry.

In this question, a government agency was created to license radio stations, _____ it didn’t have any power over these stations.  What word did you fill in there naturally?  Remember that word. Continue reading

ACT Question of the Day Explained – January 13, 2014 – English

baseballToday’s ACT question of the day presents a key piece of information that is out of order in its sentence.

The paragraph in which it appears is about a professor who is preoccupied by baseball. The underlined statement is not intended to refer to the professor, though that is the confusing situation with which we are presented. So, what do we do?

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