Category Archives: SAT

SAT Question of the Day Explained – October 7, 2014 – Math, Ratios, Proportions

Today’s SAT question of the day is a math question that’s an excellent example for any test taker to review.  One brother earns 10 dollars for each lawn he mows, while the other brother gets 3 of those dollars for each lawn with which he helps.

In other words, one brother (d) earns 10 dollar per yard, while the other (t) earns 3 dollars per yard.

Whenever you can find a per statement, you know you can make a ratio…and with two related ratios, we can make a proportion.

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SAT Question of the Day Explained – October 5, 2014 – Sentence Completions

Today’s SAT Question of the Day is a two-blank sentence completion:

So that she would not be considered ——- in her actions, the department head made sure that the members of the advisory committee ——- her plans before she started to implement them.

Do any words come to mind for those blanks?  If not, think about what an advisory committee might do… Continue reading

SAT Question of the Day Explained – October 2, 2014 – Sentence Completions

noseToday’s SAT Question of the Day is a sentence completion about our sense of smell.  Evidently, “our sense of smell is surprisingly ——- , capable of distinguishing thousands of […] odors.”

Our sense of smell, then, is…good? Nuanced? Very capable?  Any of these predictions should lead you to the correct answer.

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