Category Archives: Verbs

ACT Question of the Day – October 4, 2014 – English, Verbs

Study hard, kids.I don’t often get to explain ACT questions anymore because they recycle so frequently!  Be sure to check the archives (using the links at the top or right) to find ACT tips and strategies.

Today’s question is about the underlined part of sentence 4:

[1] Then a vice president of Westinghouse,
looking for a way to make the transmission of radio
signals more profitable, decided on a two-fold
strategy. […] [4] The plan succeeded
beyond anyone’s expectations.

Is there anything wrong with this sentence?  Let’s take a look.

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ACT Question of the Day Explained – March 2, 2014 – English

baseballToday’s ACT question of the day is from the English passage about baseball. We need to fix the underlined part of the sentence below (so ignore the other, non-underlined error).

When Hank Aaron stretched out a sinewy arm to pull one down, striding up to a rack of ash-hewn bats, he became a modern-day knight selecting their lance.

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Today’s ACT Question of the Day Explained – January 25, 2014 – English, Verb Tenses

Mickey Mantle (credit: flickr user brokentaco)

Today’s ACT question of the day is an English question designed to prove me right when I say that verbs are the most frequently tested subject on the ACT English section (as well as on the SAT writing section).

The passage about Mickey Mantle is written in past tense and, indeed, the very sentence we are asked to fix is in the past tense (“…when glints of the afternoon sun shone…”).  We need to put “there will have to be seen for one brief, stirring moment the glimmer of jewels…” into a tense that is compatible with the past tense. Continue reading